alias swiftlint="/opt/homebrew/bin/swiftlint"
if swiftlint >/dev/null; then
echo "warning: SwiftLint not installed, download from https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint"
# 启动编译时自动lint
# 启用自动修复功能
${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint autocorrect && ${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint
# 规则详情可以查阅 https://realm.github.io/SwiftLint/rule-directory.html
# 从默认启用的集合中禁用规则。
disabled_rules: # rule identifiers turned on by default to exclude from running
# 需要被修复
- line_length
- file_length
- opening_brace # {}约束
- orphaned_doc_comment # 文档注释约束
- unused_enumerated # enumerated约束
- force_cast
- force_try
- cyclomatic_complexity #函数圈复杂度, 10,20
- type_name
# 可以考虑自动修复
- colon # 冒号间距违规
- trailing_whitespace # 行尾部有空格
- trailing_newline # 文件尾部有空白行
- vertical_parameter_alignment # 函数参数约束
- comma # 逗号与空格的约束
- control_statement # 控制语句括号约束
- return_arrow_whitespace # 返回值的空格约束
- private_over_fileprivate # private替换filepreivate
- unneeded_break_in_switch # switch case 不需要 break
- trailing_semicolon # 行不应该有尾随分号
- empty_parentheses_with_trailing_closure # 闭包作为最后一个参数时的函数括号约束
- void_return # 无返回值约束
- syntactic_sugar # 语法糖违规 [Int] instead of Array<Int>
- operator_whitespace # 操作符空格约束
- statement_position # 状态条件的空格约束
- leading_whitespace # 文件头部空格
- vertical_whitespace # 垂直空行约束
- closing_brace # 闭包空格约束
# 不启用
- class_delegate_protocol # Delegate约束
- no_fallthrough_only # fallthrough约束(case中至少有一句才使用fallthrough)
- comma_inheritance # 协议实现逗号约束
- duplicate_imports # 重复引用
- unavailable_condition # #available else 可以用 unavailable 替换
- implicit_getter # 计算的只读属性应避免使用get
- unused_setter_value # 未使用的setter
- empty_enum_arguments # 空enum参数约束
- nesting # 类型嵌套声明
- switch_case_alignment # switch case 对齐约束
- multiple_closures_with_trailing_closure # 带有尾随闭包冲突的多个闭包:当传递多个闭包参数时,不应该使用尾随闭包语法
- legacy_random # Prefer using type.random(in:)
- legacy_constructor # 过时方法
- function_parameter_count # 函数参数个数控制
- shorthand_operator # += 等符号建议
- type_body_length # 类型长度
- todo # 不显示TODO
- mark # mark约束
- block_based_kvo # kvo api 约束
- identifier_name # 变量名约束
- comment_spacing # 注释空格约束
- trailing_comma # 尾随逗号约束
- computed_accessors_order # Get Set的顺序问题
- protocol_property_accessors_order # Get Set的顺序问题
- unused_optional_binding # 绑定但未使用的可选变量
- unused_closure_parameter # 未使用的闭包参数
- for_where # for循环中if语句建议
- redundant_discardable_let # let _ = 的初始化检测
- redundant_optional_initialization # 可选类型的冗余初始化检测
- redundant_objc_attribute # objc相关 冗余检测
- redundant_string_enum_value # enum case key与value 为string且相同时可以忽略
- redundant_void_return # 冗余的Void返回值
# - control_statement
# 启用不来自默认集的规则,一些规则仅仅是可选的,
# 可以通过执行如下指令来查找所有可用的规则:
opt_in_rules: # some rules are turned off by default, so you need to opt-in
# - accessibility_label_for_image
# - anonymous_argument_in_multiline_closure
# - anyobject_protocol
# - array_init
# - attributes
# - balanced_xctest_lifecycle
- capture_variable # 不是常量不应列在闭包的捕获列表中
# - closure_body_length # 闭包长度
- closure_end_indentation # 闭包的{}格式匹配
- closure_spacing # 闭包空格约束
# - collection_alignment
# - conditional_returns_on_newline
- contains_over_filter_count # filter建议
- contains_over_filter_is_empty # filter建议
- contains_over_first_not_nil # first建议
- contains_over_range_nil_comparison # range建议
# - convenience_type
- discarded_notification_center_observer # 使用block注册通知时,应存储返回的观察者,以便稍后将其删除。
- discouraged_assert # assert约束
- discouraged_none_name # none约束
# - discouraged_object_literal
- discouraged_optional_boolean # 禁用Boolean可选类型
- discouraged_optional_collection # 禁用Collection可选类型
- empty_collection_literal # 数组判空约束
# - empty_count # 使用isEmpty替代count直接比较
- empty_string # 字符串判空约束
# - empty_xctest_method
- enum_case_associated_values_count # 枚举的关联值数量
# - expiring_todo
# - explicit_acl
- explicit_enum_raw_value # enum 初始raw值
- explicit_init # 避免直接调用.init()
- explicit_self # 实例变量和函数应该使用' self. '显式访问。
# - explicit_top_level_acl # 顶级声明应该显式地指定访问控制级别关键字。
# - explicit_type_interface # 变量的类型声明
# - extension_access_modifier
- fallthrough # 不可用空的fallthrough
# - fatal_error_message
# - file_header
# - file_name
# - file_name_no_space
# - file_types_order
# - first_where
# - flatmap_over_map_reduce
- force_unwrapping # 避免强制解包
# - function_default_parameter_at_end
# - ibinspectable_in_extension
- identical_operands # 避免两个相同变量的比较
# - implicit_return
# - implicitly_unwrapped_optional
- indentation_width # 缩进约束
# - joined_default_parameter # 不建议显示传入函数参数的默认值
# - last_where
# - legacy_multiple
# - legacy_objc_type
# - let_var_whitespace
# - literal_expression_end_indentation
- lower_acl_than_parent # 确保内部定义的访问控制级别低于其父级
# - missing_docs # 缺少文档
# - modifier_order
# - multiline_arguments
# - multiline_arguments_brackets
# - multiline_function_chains
# - multiline_literal_brackets
# - multiline_parameters
# - multiline_parameters_brackets
# - nimble_operator
# - no_extension_access_modifier # 不对extension使用权限修饰符
# - no_grouping_extension
- nslocalizedstring_key # 对字符串国际化的约束
# - nslocalizedstring_require_bundle # 字符串国际化应该指定bundle
- number_separator
# - object_literal
- operator_usage_whitespace # 操作符空格约束
# - optional_enum_case_matching # 枚举case可选值约束
- overridden_super_call # overridden 方法必须调用super
# - override_in_extension #overrridden 方法不能写在extension中
# - pattern_matching_keywords # 通过将关键字移出元组来组合多个模式匹配绑定。
# - prefer_nimble
- prefer_self_in_static_references # 静态引用的前缀应该是Self而不是类名。
- prefer_self_type_over_type_of_self # 调方法/访问属性时,用Self替换type(of:self)
# - prefer_zero_over_explicit_init
# - prefixed_toplevel_constant # 常量需要用k开头
- private_action # IBActions 需要 private
- private_outlet # IBOutlets 需要 private
# - private_subject
- prohibited_interface_builder # 避免使用Interface Builder创建视图。
- prohibited_super_call # 部分API不需要调用父类方法
# - raw_value_for_camel_cased_codable_enum
# - reduce_into
- redundant_nil_coalescing # nil
- redundant_type_annotation # 冗余的类型注释
# - required_deinit # class都必须有deinit
- required_enum_case # 符合指定协议的枚举必须实现特定的case。
- return_value_from_void_function # 无返回值类型的函数,不能return返回值
# - sorted_first_last
- sorted_imports # import排序
- static_operator # 操作符重载应该声明为Static
# - strict_fileprivate # 避免使用fileprivate
- strong_iboutlet # IBOutlet约束
# - switch_case_on_newline
# - toggle_bool
# - trailing_closure
# - type_contents_order
# - typesafe_array_init
# - unavailable_function
# - unneeded_parentheses_in_closure_argument
# - unowned_variable_capture
- untyped_error_in_catch # Catch语句不应该声明没有类型转换的Error变量。
# - unused_declaration
- unused_import # import应当被使用
# - vertical_parameter_alignment_on_call
- vertical_whitespace_between_cases
# - vertical_whitespace_closing_braces
# - vertical_whitespace_opening_braces
- weak_delegate # delegate应该用weak,以避免引用循环。
# - yoda_condition
# 单元测试相关
# - quick_discouraged_call
# - quick_discouraged_focused_test
# - quick_discouraged_pending_test
# - single_test_class
# - test_case_accessibility
#- xct_specific_matcher
# Alternatively, specify all rules explicitly by uncommenting this option:
# only_rules: # delete `disabled_rules` & `opt_in_rules` if using this
# - empty_parameters
# - vertical_whitespace
# 执行linting时包含的路径。如果出现这个 `--path` 会被忽略
# included: # paths to include during linting. `--path` is ignored if present.
# - Source
# 执行linting时,忽略的路径。 优先级比 `included` 更高。
# excluded: # paths to ignore during linting. Takes precedence over `included`.
# - Pods
# 执行analyze时生效的规则
analyzer_rules: # Rules run by `swiftlint analyze`
- explicit_self
# 可配置的规则可以通过这个配置文件来自定义
# 二进制规则可以设置他们的严格程度
# configurable rules can be customized from this configuration file
# binary rules can set their severity level
# 类型强制推测约束
force_cast: error # implicitly
severity: error # explicitly
ignores_case_statements: true
# 元祖长度约束
warning: 4
error: 6
# 行数约束
warning: 160
error: 1200
ignores_function_declarations: true
ignores_comments: true
ignores_interpolated_strings: true
ignores_urls: true
# 可以通过一个数组同时进行隐式设置
# they can set both implicitly with an array
# type_body_length:
# - 300 # warning
# - 400 # error
# 或者也可以同时进行显式设置
# or they can set both explicitly
warning: 800
error: 1200
warning: 300
error: 400
# 命名规则可以设置最小长度和最大程度的警告/错误
# 此外它们也可以设置排除在外的名字
# naming rules can set warnings/errors for min_length and max_length
# additionally they can set excluded names
min_length: 4 # 变量名最小长度
max_length: # warning and error
warning: 40
error: 50
excluded: iPhone # excluded via string
allowed_symbols: ["_"] # these are allowed in type names
validates_start_with_lowercase: true
reporter: "xcode" # reporter type (xcode, json, csv, checkstyle, codeclimate, junit, html, emoji, sonarqube, markdown, github-actions-logging)
- comma
- empty_parameters
- trailing_comma
- vertical_whitespace
mandatory_comma: true
max_empty_lines: 2
Showing Recent Messages
The `swiftlint autocorrect` command is no longer available.
Please use `swiftlint --fix` instead.
'whitelist_rules' has been renamed to 'only_rules' and will be completely removed in a future release.
// 文件中临时关闭某个规则
// swiftlint:disable <rule>
// 启用某个规则,与上个注释配对使用
// swiftlint:enable <rule>
- Pods
- ../DevelopmentPodName
How to fix the “SwiftLint not installed” warning on M1 Macs
[No lintable files found at paths SwiftLint](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55732527/no-lintable-files-found-at-paths-swiftlint)